Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flowers of Wahiawa Botanical Gardens

Today was a good looking Hawaiian day, so I decided to partake in a trip to the Wahiawa Botanical Gardens. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that there were few flowers but lots of huge and old trees, in excess of 100 years old. I didn't take the correct lens to photograph 100 foot trees, so I only took a picture of their round and colorful trunks.
Wahiawa was clear but Wahiawa is known for being a damp place, so the sprinkles were definitely present. But not enough to send you back to the car or to seek cover, just enough to wake up the mosquitoes and have the pest trying to check out your blood type.
I strolled the gardens for about 2 hours, with music playing during my stroll. That was a pleasant adventure. I spent time admiring many different types of flora,palms, aroids, tree ferns, and epiphytes (what a cool word). You will see some of the flora that was at this garden.
Maybe next time I will bring a lens for photographing the upside of the trees........Aloha


  1. Great flower shots! Nice exposure and saturation. Did you take these with a macro lens? Great job!

  2. It was about half macro and the other half regular....I used a 28-105mm lens....thanks for the compliment
