Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lacrosse Season starts in Hawaii

Westside Girls Lacrosse
Nicole on the move
shooting for the goal
moving the ball
going for the goal
gotta get the ball first
ready for the shot
mad scramble for the ball
the girls are ready 
Today was the opening of the 2011 Lacrosse season. The girls were antsy to play the first game of the season. There were some girls that have never even seen a "real" lacrosse game being played. They played with a little reluctance and the game was a lost for them.
They have to really practice now that they have been a part of the game. They can see for themselves the importance of the basic game skills.
I have confidence in the team, practice makes things better so let's hope that with more practice time the team will do well and enjoy playing lacrosse here in Hawaii. It is something relatively new but it seems to be catching on very well.
The girls are having a good time and enjoying the outdoors, so it can't be all bad.
Let's get ready to spin time at the lacrosse fields on Sunday......aloha


  1. Great actions shots. Your shutter speed is spot on, no motion blur. Very nice!

  2. Mahalo Erick, working hard to get proper shots....400mm lens/monopod
